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Self knowledge and
true wisdom,
that transforms the world,
in a better place!


Self-knowledge is the best wisdom, the one that makes the world in a better place!

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                      Treinamento em
        Constelacão ao Estellar Grupo I

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First International Human      
          Gathering  - 2019

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ATHA Systemic Therapies

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Constelacao Estellar

Os principais exercicios de reorganização e 

liberação sistemica

De $17,00  por $12,00


ecos de muitas vidas

A violencia domestica vista atraves da

consciencia sistemica e como se liberar 

do padrão familiar

De $32,00   por $28,00

Constelacao Estellar

Ensinando a utilizar a Constelacao Estellar

disponível em maio


O Portal Shasta

A historia e as liberações

atraves do Portal no

Mount Shasta - CA

disponível em maio


Family & System Constellation


    Family Constellation


Destiny happens when we take it by the hand  and this movement is only released when we free ourselves from the tangles that imprison us, and imprison those who brought us here. Honor and the first step towards the definitive change of belonging to the right place!


Constellation of the Natal Chart 

Using the same principles as Bert Hellinger, the personal map is open and enters the field for the resolution of personal and evolutionary conflicts that ALMA seeks! The benefit goes beyond the transgenerationality of Family Constellations and enters the Systemic Universe,  that embraces us in its Cosmic womb! 


Marital and Social Relationships 

Unbeknownst to us, we first betray each other between "systems" and both partners start to relate affectively "after" the systemic link  Although they consciously want to relate differently from their past attachments, we actually repeat the same patterns until we have learned what we need. Looking for ways out, always believing that we try hard enough, most of the time and the cause of great conflicts, both personal and in social involvements.  Our crises have their roots elsewhere. 


The Family Constellation provides rebalancing and the benefit of portraying the relationships between family members and makes the entire family system as a whole visible in a surprising way.   Relationship patterns and/or conflicts of which the client was not previously aware are revealed. face the front  the relationship between parents and children, between children and parents and the entanglements of the family of origin that reverberate to the current family.


Health & Disease 
Orders and disorders in the family system are transmitted through the body of all family members. They play an extremely important role in the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional balance and loyalties of our own System.


Success and Profession 

Achievement whether in personal or professional areas, linked to relationships, family, work and profession follow the same laws of success and failure.  Many aspects and events that we must learn to deal with correctly.


Money and Prosperity

Money is a material expression of spiritual abundance and balance. Money is life. Without money no one can live or survive in our society. 


Juridical area  

Judges, Lawyers, and Mediators 

Family Constellations can help you find new ways to avoid legal and civil conflicts that have dragged on for years. 


Conflicts - Personal and Professional 
Wherever we live or wherever we work we will in fact always be together with others.  They accompany us all our lives, because this is the best way to humanize ourselves and learn to love. Everyone involved in a conflict receives something very valuable: Self-knowledge, self-awareness and we gain new skills to deepen and renew who the earthquake is and what we believe.

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Systemic Astrology 

The Natal Chart Constellation reaches its exit from the "origin" and specifically focuses on planetary energy to be seen in a new way.  


This energy is normally described in the Natal Chart as a conflict to be "reviewed", but when this is done through the therapeutic procedure of the Constellation, the learning becomes more transparent and, even though it does not disappear, it becomes more visible, thus facilitating a new perception in the dynamics. energetic  that our partners in the Universe represent in our evolutionary and internal journey.  

Below you have a compact of the energies of each planetary archetype that works within you.

Flower Therapy


Flower Essence Therapy


Realigns the soul, body and mind, developing a new perception of our internal and systemic world, integrated into the whole.

Essences act and work in a surprising way in mental states of dispersion, anxiety, panic, fear, pain, sadness, lack of focus, insecurity, low esteem, anger, sexuality, resistance....


All expressions and behavioral manifestations of emotional origin 

and mental, which prevent us from making the necessary transition in times of crisis, or stagnation.  

Try to unite your aspects, 

separated by so many lives.  

Florals have no contraindication, other than their own resistance.  

Use the link to schedule

and book your time.

We see!

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and all mental, emotional and systemic imbalances. 
ATHA Terapias